Wednesday, October 19, 2011


There really is too much to explain about the Luscombe passion for unique and creative Halloweens, costumes, and themes. I'm not quite sure when or where it started, but it hit an all new level today.

It started off helping my mother look for a German bar maid shirt for a combined Oktoberfest-Halloween party. I knew this would be dangerous due to her desire to be the best looking amongst her friends; enter Forever 21. Okay, this isn't revolutionary, I've gone to this store with my mom before. Sure, it's out of her age range but for a costume, it becomes a goldmine. As we are raiding the crappy clearance area in the back, also known as the land of misfit toys, I smile to myself thinking "who else would go to Forever with their mom in her 50's to purchase slutty St. Paulie's girl-type clothing?" Just then, I look up to my mother trying on small, poorly made cotton, off-the-shoulder shirts and ass-short, high-waisted mini skirts. She yells at me, over the Dubstep, to retrieve alternate sizes and colors. OH, did I forget to mention we were with my 82-year-old, hearing impaired grandma (Bushie)? Trying to remember to keep an eye on the old gal as I'm fetching items with shorter hemlines, I realize Bushie is in good hands as the electronic-remix of a La Roux song plays and she breaks out her standard one-two-step in the middle of F21. Trying to figure out which adult I should be more concerned about, I see Bushie dancing with her dippy smile as she makes confusing comments to the salespeople (sorry, ladies) and realize she doesn't give a shit what's going on. I approve my mom's embroidered top.

After a quick dinner, my mother confesses that we are eating at this restaurant because there is a Halloween USA across the street and she needs to get some thigh-highs........As we examine the overpriced stocking collection, my mom sees it: a beer maid one-piece. There aren't any more in stock; none in the showroom; only the mannequin. Obviously she makes me take it off for her. Grimacing as I realize this is the grand-prize-winner, she tries it on (I mean, in all honesty though, girl looked good). I ask Bushie her thoughts- none, same dippy smile. I tell her, "your daughter's costume is more revealing than mine!" No difference. I tried to cover my slight embarrassment at the register, hoping the tattooed clerk wouldn't assume this unoriginal, polyester onesie was mine by saying, " costume is more modest than my mom's!!!......" He really could give a shit; he works at a seasonal store with some whiny, skanky girl.

I guess sometimes you have to release the inner skank. Happy Mean Girls Halloween, everyone. Go slut it up.

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